
Two Year Old Program

Our Toddler Program supports your child’s eagerness for hands-on learning in a fun, creative, engaging environment.

Daily activities include:

Group time, Circle time, Daily reading, Sensory exploration, Outdoor Playground time, Art & Movement enrichment

Three Year Old Program

Our three year old Program introduces children to cognitive, social and language arts skills.

Daily activities include:

Math Applications, Fine Motor Skills, Critical Thinking Skills, Multi-cultural awareness

Four Year Old Program

Our four year old program supports your child’s eagerness to grasp new concepts, all while having fun. This is our most academic classroom as we utilize this special space as a tool to get your child ready for Kindergarten.

Daily activities include:

Promoting Vocabulary, Multicultural Awareness, Introduction to Writing and reading, Communicating ideas through pictures and writing, Daily Group activities include literature,music and movement, and practical math.

Infant & Toddler Program

Now Open

Daily activities include:

Starting at 3 months old and until they’re ready to transition into our 2 year old program, this brand new classroom has a limited amount of spaces in order for each child’s specific needs to be met.

This classroom includes:

Outdoor time, music and movement, art, sign language, hands on activities, beginning potty-training (when the child shows they are ready),and socialization with peers.